Is society healthy, that an individual should return to it? Has not society itself helped to make the individual unhealthy? Of course, the unhealthy must be made healthy, that goes without saying; but why should the individual adjust himself to an unhealthy society? If he is healthy, he will not be a part of it. Without first questioning the health of society, what is the good of helping misfits to conform to society?(…)To help the individual to fit into a society which is ever at war with itself – is this what psychologists and analysts are supposed to do? Is the individual to be healed only in order to kill or be killed? If one is not killed, or driven insane, then must one only fit into the structure of hate, envy, ambition and superstition which can be very scientific? - Krishnamurti

Henry Miller’s Rules.

Essa, é pra quem soma no groove
É pra quem faz a sua microparte pra que alguma microcoisa no mundo mude
Em qualquer lugar ou dia da semana
Quem conhece não se engana
Eu disse essa é pra quem sabe
Que a diferença entre uma festa de bacana e uma festa bacana
Não é mero detalhe

Uma das melhores e mais subestimadas personagens da dramaturgia mundial é a Sonya de Tio Vanya.

SONYA: What can we do? We must live out our lives. [A pause] Yes, we shall live, Uncle Vanya. We shall live all through the endless procession of days ahead of us, and through the long evenings. We shall bear patiently the burdens that fate imposes on us. We shall work without rest for others, both now and when we are old. And when our final hour comes, we shall meet it humbly, and there beyond the grave, we shall say that we have known suffering and tears, that our life was bitter. And God will pity us. Ah, then, dear, dear Uncle, we shall enter on a bright and beautiful life. We shall rejoice and look back upon our grief here. A tender smile – and – we shall rest. I have faith, Uncle, fervent, passionate faith. We shall rest. We shall rest. We shall hear the angels. We shall see heaven shining like a jewel. We shall see evil and all our pain disappear in the great pity that shall enfold the world. Our life will be as peaceful and gentle and sweet as a caress. I have faith; I have faith. [Wiping away her tears] My poor, poor Uncle Vanya, you are crying! [Weeping] You have never known what it is to be happy, but wait, Uncle Vanya, wait! We shall rest. We shall rest. We shall rest.

Rules to write by.

They live. We sleep



Desire is fueled, to a certain degree, by the possibility of not getting what you want.(…)Many will mock their pain and their addiction, but it’s heartbreaking to think that they’ll never experience true risk, true reward, or true romance.

Taí uma história em quadrinhos que eu leria.

Good Business Model.

A evolução das barreiras criativas.

“There’s no such thing as an anti-war film” - François Truffaut. Indeed

As sair para o encontro com uma mulher. Não se esqueça de levar o chicote - Friedrich Nietzsche em Assim Falava Zaratustra

Toda religião começa como entretenimento. Até Seinfeld está a caminho.

Charles Schultz made a (huge) dent in the world.

Summer with (Charles) Addams.

The mind is a strange and wonderful thing. I’m not sure it’ll ever be able to figure itself out. Everything else maybe, from the atom to the universe, everything except itself. - The Invasion of the Body Snatchers

O Poder da Serendipidade

Exodus 8:2

If you refuse to let them go, I will send a plague of frogs on your whole country.

And all the roads we have to walk are winding

And all the lights that lead us there are blinding

There are many things that I would like to say to you

But I don’t know how

Because maybe

You’re gonna be the one that saves me

And after all

You’re my wonderwall

Ei, logo das Olímpiadas de Paris, acho que já te vi por aí.

Ah, lembrei de onde te conheço…

It’s evolution, baby!

Amendoismo, Elma Chips from Jamute on Vimeo.

Elma Chips fazendo publi em cima da Sociedade do Cansaço.

Upstairs & Downstairs.